Friday, 8 April 2016

UPSC Civil Services Mains 2015-16 Interview by Pradeep Joshi Sir Board...........

Name : Priyanka
Medium : Hindi
Optional : Philosophy
Attempt : 5th
Interview : 3rd
Education : BTech (IT)

Employment : 
Private Sector ( Marketing Manager)
Govt Jobs  1. Block development Officer ( BDO)
                   2. Account Officer ( RAcS)
Hobbies and Interest : Not Any Specific

Interview date and time : 5th ,April,2016 Afternoon Session

I had a bhaglapuri silk Sarcee. After so much discussion and trials I decided to wear that Bhagalpuri Silk Saree in spite of Salwar Suit for my third time interview, though I had spent thousands of rupees in purchasing 5-7 suits.

I reached UPSC at 12:45 pm. I entered in Dholpur House. During documents checking, I was not having photocopies of my documents. There were 6 candidates in my board. All of us were from Rajasthan. My turn was fourth. There was a girl  whose turn  was 6th. We both started talking for getting relaxed.

I entered in Chairman room about 3:50 pm. Before entering I asked "May I Come in Sir?" There was a lady member in board. I firstly wished lady member good after noon madam and then wished Chairman Sir.

CM: Sit down 
( I said thank you sir and sat comfortably on chair. I put my both hands in my lap.)

CM : Priyanka ,U have done engineering?
Me.: yes Sir
CM: After engg. What did you do?
Me: Told abt my previous work experience and jobs.
CM : What are problems at India bangladesh borders?.why illegal migration is happening at that border?
Me: Told various reasons like porous border,lack of proper demarcation,enclave of both sides that is now solving after LBA.
CM: Illegal migrants are different from local people of that area ,but still migration is happening?
Me: tried to answer but forget to tell reason of cheap labor.
CM : Is cheap labor not an reason for this?
Me: yes sir,this is also a reason..

M1 (lady member):After giving brief intro she asked do you think that two woman cannot work together as it is said ??
Me: it is said but my personal experience is differerent.A woman boss can hear nd sort out problems of subordinate women staff easily.I told her a personal example.
M1: my personal example is same ( She looked very happy and satisfied & she supported me during whole interview)
M1 : She briefly describe problems of women in Rajasthan like lower literacy,female feticide etc .what will you do for women development in Rajasthan?
Me: in education form a group of girls who is studying in school and this group will go to parents and inspire them to send their girl children to school.for social problems need to change mentality of people.For this will make changes in books and make them gender neutral.implement govt schemes like stand up effectively for economic empowerment.rajasthan govt has reservation for women in all govt jobs.
M1: great..when did this reservation begin?
Me: Sorry madam,I have no idea but can guess if you permit.( She permitted)
15-20 years back,it was started.
M2: Who was chief minister during this ??
Me: sorry sir,I don't know..but I will definitely check abt this.

M3 : why did you do work as a marketing manager ??were other jobs not available ??
Me: various jobs are available but I did software company there are several job profile like coder ,tester ( m3 interrupted me and again asked y did u choose this??)
Me: I told can do work from home also
M3 : yes,I was asking abt that.What difference you find in private and public sector.
Me: quick decisions in private sector .I gave an strict hierarchy in private sector.
M3 : hierarchy and various decision levels create hurdles in public sector and causes delays.and asked some questions abt company profile and company size.
Me: gave answers and no counter questions.
M3: asked some questions abt MGNREGA.
Me : appreciated scheme and again told my experience of field.I concluded that scheme is good ,some problems in implementations that can be resolved.
M1: you have written till date for both jobs BDO and AO
Me: I took permission from M3 to answer M1 and after that answered to M3.
M3: suggest any application that can help to reform in MGNREGA.
Me: can use GIS nd GPS
M3: tell this idea abt ur boss and implement it.
M1: she can implement this idea.
Me : I can just suggest to my seniors becuz I m not a final authority to decide.
M4: what is ERP.
Me: ( I knew only full form ,so just told)
M4: asked some more questions abt ERP .
Me:sorry sir
( m3 helped me to tell answers of m4 )
M4: some questions from female directors in company according to company act and CSR
( m1 helped me to answer )
M4 : asked abt electronic reverse auction..
Me: sorry sir
( m3 and m4 both told me abt it)
Me: it's very gud policy and I will learn it and will use in my workplace.
M2:asked abt PRIs and giving them untied fund and planning from bottom to top.
Me: can be done but before that need to strengthen PRIs.some schemes can be designed by PRIs but some should be design by State goats,otherwise funds can be misused.untied fund can be connect with performance of PRIs
M2: matching fund can be received from public.
Me : yes sir,crowd funding is a good idea.
M2: any change in women status after a women chief minister.
Me: told some positive changes and shared my personal experience.
M2: women is getting aware.
(CM asked them to stop process and let me go .but M2 took permission to ask only one more question.chairman permitted him)
M2: education qualification in PRIs in Rajasthan is a good step.
Me : good step but very early.some time should be given to ppl to educate.gave some facts abt literacy.told abt fake qualification certificates produced by some persons to take participate in elections.
CM: ur interview is over and u can go now.

Me: thanked to board and left.

Overall experience was gud. Board was very cordial and supportive.It helped me to remain calm and cheerful throughout interview.My whole interview was in Hindi.I wrote my experience in English .


  1. nice answers , good understanding of question , plz guide me for upsc preparation

  2. thanks and hope you will be an IAS this time...

  3. Brilliant responses. All the very best. Hope you make it to the final list.

  4. Brilliant responses. All the very best. Hope you make it to the final list.

  5. That was a very good interview. The part where you asked for permission to answer, when two of them asked almost at the same time was commendable. I am sure you will qualify this time. All the very best priyanka. Do guide me for my upsc this year :)

    1. Thanks Yukti....I will write more blogs abt my preparation and will try to help you...

    2. Thats great! Ill be reading you. How did you go about your preparation? Did you study for mains right from the start? Could you share about the Previous interview; what was it that you couldnt make through? What different approach if any did you try :)

    3. Tnx Yukti you have given me so many topics to is more imp to learn frm I hope my mistakes will help you to avoid those...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good responses... All the best... Interview was in strict hindi or hinglish??

    1. It was in hinglish ....tnx a lot for ur wishes

  7. It was in hinglish ...tnx for ur wishes

  8. Honest answers...Thanks for sharing your experience... All the very best.

  9. Hey Pritanka,

    Very good interview l.

    Can you tell me what needs to be prepared on rajasthan for interview? What questons were asked from other candidates from Rajasthan or in your previous attempts or mocks?

    Thanks a lot.

    1. In last two attempts not any specific question from Rajasthan was asked. I met few ppl during medical but there were no question from Rajasthan for them.

      Just see some facts about Rajasthan demography nd economy.Can use google for it.

    2. Okay. Thanks.

      What's the answer to the question, when exactly was women resevation started. IT was 10% earlier and gahlot raised it to 30% if I am correct.

      And if you could tell me as you are working in rajasthan if the bills govt passed to increase resevation to 68% been stayed by High court or they are valid today?


    3. Rajasthan govt planned to give reservation to economic backward class but due to 50% ceiling it is not implemented yet.So it was not only for women.

      Women is getting one third reservation in jobs.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Best Of luck hope you will be an IAS.
    Thank you for sharing valuable piece of information regarding Interview.

    I have some quetions regarding mains.
    How you have written and how longer I mean I want know about specific way of writting and how much you scored. What were your speculation and what numbers you got.

    If you can breif me I would be thankful to you.

    1. Waiting for final result then can tell u what marks I have scored...I practiced answer writing and it helped me lot in exam and I m expecting good score in written exam also.practise for both per and mains as you can

  13. Priyanka, Could you please highlight the various dimensions of women issues relevant for interview preparation? Thank you

    1. Divide all issues in different parts economic issues like work participation ,property rights,equal payment etc.

      Social issues like female fanticide,dowry,prostitution,child marriage,patriarchy society etc.

      Political issues like low presence of women in legislative,pradhan pati etc.

      Moral issues different standars,parameters of ethics and morality for male and female etc.

  14. Priyanka ..Yes
    But you can tell me in which way you wrote answers that make possible you to in interview list.
    After result it may possible,you will not have time.
    So you can tell me It will help not only me.

    1. Sure,I will write a blog for it very soon...I will try to explain in next blog...

  15. Hi Priyanka first response came to my mind after reading your such a good interview experience was-Hi Guys, I was once there in Sankalp Rajasthan class with this year's topper Priyanka! You have done really well in interview. I am sure they will award you best possible rank that you desire. Keep writing. All the best for final result.

  16. Would you kindly elaborate on what did the board tell you on "electronic reverse auction" ?? I am unable to google on the topic .. Did they ask you 'reverse auction' that was done electronically ?? I think for spectrum and all this time govt. did reverse auction

    1. It is related to procurement. Govt will tell requirements to sellers and then seller will tell prices .In this way services and goods of good quality can be procured...

  17. Good will get plus 180 marks..

    Can you please tell me... that is is possible to choose English for answer writing and Hindi for Interview...?

    1. Tnx a lot....yea it is possible.You can choose english for answer writing and Hindi for Interview..

  18. Good will get plus 180 marks..

    Can you please tell me... that is is possible to choose English for answer writing and Hindi for Interview...?

  19. Thanks for sharing your experiance, it was really helpful :)
    Hope your name will be present in the final list :)

  20. while giving interview in Hindi do we have to speak in proper hindi, I mean taking into consideration of grammar , or we can convey in formal hindi which we speak?

    1. You can speak in hinglish also but dont use loose words for example dont use buddha word...Avoid this type of loose and cheap words...Formal hindi but jo sunne main achi lage...Its my view

  21. Excellent interview....Good presence of mind ....loved ur interview experience... Thanks for sharing.. All the best.

  22. Excellent interview....Good presence of mind ....loved ur interview experience... Thanks for sharing.. All the best.

  23. Vry gud sis nd all d best

    Is it OK to say sorry for unknown questions

    1. I think it is ok to say sorry in spite of making fool to board by bluffing...

  24. Very good interview.... best of luck...
    (From- Raghvendra )

  25. gr8 interview mam.. may this time u get ias..

  26. mam plz write a article on complete philosophy optional...

  27. Vry gud sis nd all d best

    Is it OK to say sorry for unknown questions

  28. Sis suggest me some material on environment,science and tech

    Plz prefer which could available in local markets

    1. Arvind for environment I read Shankar IAS Notes and some notes from gkToday and K sidarth book

  29. प्रियंका जी आपका इंटरव्यू बहुत अच्छा रहा है । आपके अच्छे परिणाम की शुभकामना करता हूँ। मेरा CAPF(AC) का इंटरव्यू अच्छा नहीं गया था ,एच.सी. गुप्ता जी के बोर्ड मैं।
    फिर भी असिस्टेन्ट कमान्डेंट में चयन हुआ है।
    आप हिन्दी माध्यम से है तो ये देखकर आत्म विश्वास और बढ़ गया है ।

    good luck

  30. That was a gold interview ... Also answers were really qualitative.

    Is it necessary to prepare G.C.Leong for PRE ??? What if required for PRE ( geography ) ?

    1. Tnx a lot Nish,I never read G C Leong but I have heard abt it.It is a good book.I used to see map regularly.You can give 15-20 minutes to map.U can also paste world and india map to at wall of ur study room.I read NCERTs.

  31. Sis could you please say me an idea how to approach economics

  32. I too had PK joshi board...All the best...btw, did u leave any question in GS and optional pprs? How many?

    1. Hi Suyash,How was ur interview experience? plz share.....I didn't leave any question.But in ethics paper ,I had 5 minutes to write 2 questions of part 1..So I could just write some points,couldn't elaborate..Paper 2 of optional,I had 10 minutes to write a question of short notes,So i just wrote points in that question..

  33. Hv college exams coming up...shall recall n pen down my interview once I get spare tym...I had left around 7 questions in GS...cud be on borderline of mains cut-off...lets c what the future has in store...btw applause to your tenacity for appearing in this enervating exam so many times👏🏻

    1. Appreciate ur efforts with ur regular college studies..will waiting for ur interview experience...Can u tell it was opinion or factual based??

    2. 80:20 opinion-factual ratio...cudnt answer 5 factual ones

  34. Wow Pinka Awesome.... u nailed it n with ur trademark smile u r gonna score 249+ :)
    Congrats in advance IAS Officer :)

  35. Excellent interview.
    u gonna rock this year..apna LBSNAA ka ticket book karwa lo mam :)
    best of luck
