Sunday, 1 May 2016

Some more info....

Data Secure Status by EU
India is keen to obtain ‘data secure’ nation status from the EU, a classification that is crucial for the development of its IT and ITES sectors in Europe. EU considers India insecure in keeping data secure. A ‘data secure’ status is needed by EU. This has hampered the progress of negotiations around the liberalization of trade in services in the BTIA.
Sex Offender’s Registery
Government is planning to set up a sex offender’s registry, on the lines of those maintained in western countries including the U.S. and the U.K.
What it will include?
Details of convicted sex offenders like their photograph,addresses, PAN card details, Aadhar card number, fingerprint details and DNA samples.Even the details of juvenile Sex offenders will be included.
On the website of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)
Why is it needed?
Citizens have the right to know whether a potential employee or a neighbour, for example, have a past record of conviction.Will be helpful for law enforcement agencies. Providing personal details on regular basis will ensure effective supervision of sex offenders and reduce future offences.It will bring fear in the minds of repeat sexual offenders.
Problems with such registry
Alienation of convicts from the society after their release.Once on the list, all possibility for a convict to improve and move on in life will be lost.This will tantamount to double punishment.Sex offenders have already served a jail sentence, on their release , shaming by the society will be another punishment.
What are the government plans for this database?
Plans is to publicise offenders photographs, addresses, PAN card details, Aadhaar card number, fingerprints and DNA samples through this database registry.As of now it will include registration of individuals convicted for offences like rape, voyeurism, stalking and aggravated sexual assault and also includes the possibility of registration of offenders below and above 18 years.According to the draft guidelines proposed, extensive information on the offender will be collected like:Inter-alia name and aliases, registration of primary or given name, nicknames, pseudonyms, telephone numbers, addresses including temporary lodging information, travel and immigration documents.Registry will also include information related to their jobs, professional licenses, information of school, college, institute with which they have been associated, vehicle information, date of birth, criminal history, current photograph, fingerprints and palm prints, DNA sample, driver’s licence, identification card, PAN card number, Aadhaar card number and Voter ID number.People can access this database through a Citizen Portal in the upcoming Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) project.


  1. Thank you so much mam..these information is heighly useful..

  2. just trying to help....whatever I read nd find imp post here....
