Saturday, 16 April 2016

How to start preparation of civil services.....beginner's baby step

How to start preparation of civil services.....beginner's baby step

When we start preparation,first question arises before to prepare for this exam.It is the toughest exam of India...We start to read topper's interview...We list out the books read by toppers...A big list is prepared and create problems for us can I read so many books....

I hav committed a big mistake during my previous attempt that was not practicing answer writing...I read several books but never practice to write an answer.I had to pay for this.I did nt get selection.That time I thought,"when my course will be complete,I will practice of answer writing.Course of this exam is never completed.So practice objective and subjective questions regularly.

Read NCERTs first,then read one or two standard books of any subject .Inspite of reading 10 books,it will be more beneficial to read one book 10 times.  Develope a habit of seeing last year papers regularly. It will give u an idea "How a question can be framed from particular topic?"

When u solve objective questions,don't bother with ur wrong answers.Remember that for qualifying prelims you just need 50-55 right questions according to standard of paper.

There are several subjects like geography,history,economics,science and tech,environment,polity etc.You can feel comfortable in some subjects.Some subjects seems to be more interesting than others.Make interesting subject ur strength means prepare that subject so well that u can solve 70%-80% question from that subject.For example History,Polity and environment were interesting for me,that's y I made those subject my strong point...

Make a group of serious aspirants.Write answers and discuss in ur group.Avoid ppl with negative mentality.Have faith in ur self..

Best of luck :)


  1. hello madam i am also from rajsthan jodhpur..have some quesries may i ask ??

  2. awesome ...

    thank you very much .. I feel same ..let m complete syllabus once then I write answer .

    you have given my strong point .. no you have start as soon as possible ..

    thank you very much ...

  3. Mam my booklist for this year prelims revision . Do suggest any addition or subtraction if needed

    1) history - kiran competition times with old ncerts

    2) polity - lakshmikant

    3)economy - laal & laal , eco. Survey & budget

    4)geography - parikshavaani prakashan two books & class 11th ncert for physical geography

    5) enb- parikshavaani & shankarias

    6) general science - Lucent's science book

    Since i missed many news paper readings frequently , i am doing my current affairs from drishti's magzine+vision ias

    Is anything i am missing ? Your valuable suggestion will do enough for me.

    1. is enough...just do revision and question practice....

    2. Thanks mam

  4. hello madam, this is akhilesh leaving with 2 more attempts only. i want your guidance regarding coaching of philosophy optional by Yashwant sir. my medium is english

    1. Hello Akhilesh,Sorry for replying late..Yaswant Sir is an excellent teacher for both hindi and english medium..
