Sunday, 17 April 2016

Important Current Affairs….1

1.Recently released data by the Central Water Commission shows that water levels in major reservoirs of the country are alarmingly low. The western and southern regions are the most affected. The live storage level in 27 reservoirs of the western region, which includes Maharashtra and Gujarat, is a mere 18 per cent, compared to 36 per cent last year. In the southern region, the situation is even worse, with water levels at 15 per cent of the total live storage capacity in 31 reservoirs of this region.”
…‘Live storage’ is the portion of the reservoir that can be utilised for flood control, power production, navigation and downstream releases.

2. The (Kerala) State Forest Department aims to create a comprehensive profile of these highly endangered mountain goats ( nilgiri tahr), which are endemic to the Western Ghats, through the three day counting exercise. It will cover various habitats, particularly the Siruvani area of Silent Valley National Park, the Munnar-Rajamala portion of Eravikulam National Park, the Nelliampathy Hills of Parambikulam Tiger Reserve and parts of Periyar and Agasthyamala sanctuaries.
Agasthyamala Sanctuary covers areas in Kerala as well as Tamil Nadu.

3.New year festivals in various states of India
Poila Boishakh:West Bengal
Maithili Nab Barsh :West Bengal
Vishu: Kerala
Maha Vishuv Snakranti:Orissa

4.UJALA  Scheme (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for all)
Domestic Efficient Lighting Program (DELP) is renamed as UJALA.It is implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd.It is implementing in 120 cities of India.

5.National Agriculture Market (NAM)

It is  a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.

NAM is one of the flagship project under Digital India Program.

It is part of implementation of the roadmap for doubling income of the farmers by 2022.
Under it, there will be one license for a trader valid across all markets in the State.

6.What is particulate matter?

Particulate matter, or PM, is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets.Particles can be suspended in the air for long periods of time.
Some particles are large or dark enough to be seen as soot or smoke. Others are so small that individually they can only be detected with an electron microscope.
Many manmade and natural sources emit PM directly or emit other pollutants that react in the atmosphere to form PM.

Size matters
These solid and liquid particles come in a wide range of sizes.
Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into and accumulate in the respiratory system.
Particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5) are referred to as “fine” particles and are believed to pose the greatest health risks.
Particles with diameters between 2.5 and 10 micrometers are referred to as “coarse.Because of their small size (approximately 1/30th the average width of a human hair), fine particles can lodge deeply into the lungs.

Sources of PM
Sources of fine particles include all types of combustion activities (motor vehicles, power plants, wood burning, etc.) and certain industrial processes.
Sources of coarse particles include crushing or grinding operations, and dust from paved or unpaved roads.
Other particles may be formed in the air from the chemical change of gases. They are indirectly formed when gases from burning fuels react with sunlight and water vapor. These can result from fuel combustion in motor vehicles, at power plants, and in other industrial processes.

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